Lil-Lets and Retroviral earned an Orchid for the Non-Applicator Campaign launched in 2022 aimed at encouraging women to move away from plastic tampon applicators, billions of which are probably clogging up landfills or floating in the oceans around the globe and using their finger (and standard tampons) instead
Respected advertising Journalist Brendan Seery’s #OrchidsandOnions has become one of the most desirable recognitions an agency locally can get for a campaign.
Seery writes “It is straight-talking with some pretty graphic graphics…but it’s not shocking or offensive and does provide food for thought about making tampons “digital” (in the sense that the fingers on a hand are digits, see?) The message is aimed at a generation which is only too aware of the damage done by previous generations – including the men who came up with the idea of tampons and plastic applicators – to our environment. At the same time, it positions Lil-Let’s as a caring and forward-thinking brand.”
“Retroviral really immerses themselves in the detail, understands our consumer and continues to push us and our work so we create outstanding content that matters and delivers results” said Keryn Brien, Marketing Executive for Lil-Lets.