Iwisa No.1 X Donovan Goliath: A Retroviral Tactical Case Study

Jul 21, 2023

You thought we were good at viral? When snow fell in Johannesburg for the first time in 11 years the opportunity was too good!

We went and “created” a snow activation for our client, Iwisa No.1 featuring comedic genius Donovan Goliath. And South Africa loved it. To watch the clip click here: Iwisa No.1 x Donovan Goliath

The results were immediate. In just 24 hours, the video managed to gain 260K+ views including earned media opportunities with 947 and 702/Cape Talk an Orchid from Brendan Seery, appeared in News24 , Marketing Spread and a feature in The Good Things Guy.

Across all platforms (social and online) we have managed to reach a user base of 22 MILLION+. 

Yes please!


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